Elliottii Tawarkan 6 Toko Display Boutique

Elliottii Tawarkan 6 Toko Display Boutique

Untuk teman-teman yang ingin menjalankan usaha,, ELLIIOTTII GALLERY menawarkan 6 space - Toko Display Boutique yang disewakan untuk Product Fashions.

Elliottii is the Winner of the Best Guest House of South Jakarta with the Classy, Luxurious, Exclusive concept whilst affordable price.

Kriteria product fashion :
1. Tradisional Handmade Jewellery
2. Jewellery Gold & Diamond
3. Batik & tenun
4. Handmade Sprey / Bedcover / Bantal
5. Dll 

Ukuran per space sekitar 3mx4m, Rp.6.000.000/month (all in)

Alamat :
Elliiottii Gallery
Jl.Duta Niaga 3 No.6-8 Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan

Info & Booking
Juliet - Hp/WA.087888498892

Sumber : https://mayamirandaambarsari.com/elliottii-tawarkan-6-toko-display-boutique-detail-33651